Taking the guesswork out of being the healthiest you

Your DNA Holds the Secret To Your Own Wellness Journey

Tried everything but still don't feel like you're as healthy as you should be?

You’re living in pain, dragging yourself out of bed every morning and struggling to make it through the day. Or maybe you’ve tried everything to lose weight, but just can’t seem to make the scale budge. 

Doctors say your bloodwork and test results look great, and yet you don’t feel great. At all. 

You’ve tried every diet, program, and supplement under the sun, but nothing has made a difference. Deep down, you know there’s a reason it isn’t working for you.

You find yourself thinking, “If someone would just tell me what to do to fix this, I’d do it in a heartbeat.” But no one seems to have the answers.

Until now.

Introducing Personalized Nutrition Coaching Based on Your DNA

There is no one size fits all solutions to health and wellness. 

Understanding your DNA allows you to have the most effective health plan for YOUR body.

Seriously, no more guessing on what works and what doesn’t.

No more points, counting, or condiments, or eating low carb, no carb, low fat, or high fat. 

Your DNA holds all the answers to your wellness. YOU have the key.

Are you ready to stop guessing and finally have answers that only your body can give you?​

How It Works

Step 1: Free Consultation

Schedule a free consultation with Kim to discuss your wellness journey and see how a simple DNA test can help you achieve your goals.

Step 2: At-Home DNA Test

With a quick swab of your cheek, you can take your DNA test from the comforts of your own home. Get your 40+ page report back in as little 4 weeks.

Step 3: Create Custom Plan

During a 1 hour consult, you'll receive a tailored-to-you wellness plan based on your body's specific needs and your lifestyle.

Hi, I'm Kimberly

My story isn't that different from yours.

In 2020, my body went from fully functioning to debilitated and in excruciating pain within 30 days.

After going to my GP and 6 specialists over 4 months, I had ZERO answers and prescriptions for pain meds which I refused to take. I wanted answers, NOT a bandaid.

Thanks to a simple cheek swab DNA test, I finally have those answers!

Your journey to wellness starts with one step forward. Are you ready to take that first step?

Get the Blueprint For Your Path to Wellness

Step 1: Free Consultation

Schedule a free consultation with Kim to discuss your wellness goals and see how a simple DNA test can help.

Step 2: At-Home DNA Test

With the simple swab of your cheek, you can take your DNA test from the comforts of your own home.

Step 3: Create Custom Plan

During a 1 hour consult, you'll receive a personalized wellness plan based on your body's specific needs.

Great for kids, too! Get answers for your kids health even before they start having issues!

Download This Free Resource Today

10 Reasons Why Your Supplements Aren't Working

If you aren't getting the results you're looking for, this free resource could explain why!